Titan Energy Park is located in a designated Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone (KOEZ). The KOEZ designation is effective for the years 2014 through 2023.
Site Resources and Utilities
Natural high quality Artesian Spring
Some consider the artesian well or spring the most potable and pure water available. Water from an artesian well or spring is considered a most favorable form of potable water. Generally is very cold and free from contaminants as it has been protected through many layers of rock.
What makes this type of water so different than those from other sources? The wells come from an aquifer. There are many large running rivers or aquifers all over the earth. These run deep into the ground and filter the water naturally. An aquifer is formed from a layer of sediment and very porous rock. Usually, the rock is some form of sandstone. Sandstone is able to capture and transfer large amounts of water.
Artesian wells are the remnants of water that are caught or stored between layers of rock. Essentially water cannot penetrate all rock so gravity and rock density determine the path. The water follows the path of least resistance until the pressure becomes so great that something must move. When the pressure from the groundwater above becomes so strong the artesian springs and wells are forced to the surface or to fill large caverns. They can come through faults and softer layers of sediment.
Site Resources and Utilities details:
Main SwitchYard:
Dual Feed 43,800V primary line feed from Allegheny Power Switch Yard
will ensure reliable power at the facility. This is unique to our facility so
that there will be minimal interruption or downtime to processes. This
provides the ultimate flexibility for any future process needs. The
switchyard feeds both the South Yard and the North Yard.
South Substation:
The South Substation feeds main power to the main manufacturing
building (Plant 4).
The south substation(s) have five (5) transformers that convert 43,800V
to 4160V.
Distribution and Supply inside of the buildings:
2300V switchgear, 220V, and 480V buss distribution
Emergency Generators and Circuiting:
In Plant 4 there are two emergency generators to ensure power quality
and continuity for critical loads during the switch over or outages.
Natural Gas Service Mains and Meter Stations:
1. Plant 4 Medium Pressure Meter Station
2. Plant 1 High-Pressure Meter Station
3. Office buildings Low-Pressure Meter Station
Large Office’s and Office Space
1. Gas fired AHU’s
Centralized Boiler Plant: The boiler plant is located at the north end of
the property and provided steam to the facility via three (3) boilers.
Steam heat and the process equipment was the primary source of heat
for the buildings. Currently, the boilers and steam piping systems were
taken out of service and drained.
1. One Keeler CP250 converted to dual fuel (natural gas and oil) –
approx. 400hp.
2. (unused), One Keeler CP650 converted to dual fuel (natural gas and
oil) – approx. 1600hp
3. One Keeler CP650 coal-fired
Plant 4 Process Boiler:
4. Cleaver-Brooks output would be about 230 BHP & 6,350 # steam/hr
• Main and Auxiliary Manufacturing Combination of metal halide and sodium vapor
fixtures throughout with supplemental Fluorescent fixtures in high task areas.
• Emergency lighting throughout.
• Central HVAC systems in the main office building and various larger production
• Window units in smaller offices throughout.
• Air distribution lines installed throughout the facility.
Existing Compressors were removed and sold
• Water supplied by Borough of Bellefonte @approx. 75psi
• Only available in buildings from the offices north.
• Option to use spring water and cooling mains for Fire protection.
• Wire mill/low melt (Plant 1) about 75% coverage in building
• Factory stores (Plant 6) 100% coverage
• One hydrant per 100 sq.ft. in most places.
• Main fire loop lines are 6” or 8”.
• Municipal Water is supplied by Borough of Bellefonte.
• High-Quality Spring water is available to locations on site via North Spring
– Located at 15MGD Kelly Spring
– There are two large steel storage tanks (32,000 gal capacity ea).
• Discharges to Borough of Bellefonte
• Sewer lines vary from 3” pumped portions into 6” to 12”gravity line.
• There is an additional gravity line that starts at 6” VCP @ Plant 4 and Increases to 12”
to on-site treatment plant
• On-Site Treatment Plant
Plant 4:
South End Receiving 7 Bays
• Five (5) overhead doors (12’W x 16’H) with 60’ deep truck dock areas capable of
handling a tractor-trailer and dock levelers to allow unloading by lift truck at floor level,
and one
• Two (2) overhead doors in the middle do not have existing truck docks installed.
This docking area is serviced by an existing 5T pendant-only operated bridge crane,
with a 26’-8” span and app. 20’ lift. This docking area also has a raised roof so that
hydraulic truck dumpers could be installed.
North end Shipping 5 Bays
• 5 bay truck dock area w/dock levelers capable of multiple tractor trailers to the north
• 1 Bay in center of plant (Maintenance and Parts)
• one truck dock with overhead door and a small 5T bridge crane with limited travel for
truck unloading
Plant 1 Truck docks with levelers:
– 2 Bays interior
– 1 Bay exterior
Plant 6
– 1 Bay interior
o There is a 50’ deep dock for a tractor-trailer in the northeast corner w/dock leveler for
unloading by a lift truck, and bridge crane is also located over the truck dock. Access
is thru an overhead door (11’W x 14’H).
Truck Scale
– 80,000 lb-capacity truck scale is located at the south entrance of the site
– Railroad access. Two (2) rail cars can be parked inside the plant in the 120’
– There is a personnel door for outside access located adjacent to the rail line
overhead door (12’ W x 18’ H) on the south wall.
– The interior areas adjacent to the rail line to the east, north, and west are
elevated to the rail line so that rail cars can be unloaded at grade level
primarily to the east. Forklifts could position material unloaded from railroad
cars under the area’s 5T Bridge crane that provides coverage to the central
portion of the plant and movement to other plant areas
– Service provided by Nittany and Bald Eagle Railroad.
– Future Rail sidings (Interior rail to Plant 4, South yard and North Yard)
Overhead Cranes:
• Plant 4
South East Building Area:
• (4) overhead bridge cranes that can be a cab, pendant, or remotely
o Crane capacity varies from 10T, 20T, or 30T.
o The crane runway span is 66’ with under hook lift height of 27’-3” minimum
to 28’.
Central South Building Area:
• 5T pendant-only operated bridge crane to service docking area.
o 26’-8” span and app. 20’ lift.
o travel is .120’ in the center of the plant
South West Building Area:
• 5T bridge crane which can be pendant or remotely operated
o 46’ span x 24’-3” hook height
o Overlaps with 24Tn Crane
Western Area:
– 24T overhead bridge crane which can be a cab, pendant, or remotely
o 65’-1” span, 24’-6” to 28’ lift, and can travel the full length of the area (app.
600’). There is also an overlap area with the 5T bridge crane that services Areas
#2 & #3 such that loads up to 5T could be transferred through Areas #2 & #3 to
the shared truck docks at the extreme south end of the building (app. 600’ from
– Area #4). Heavier loads could be transferred via the shared access area on the
eastern side of Area #4, where shared crane capacities of up to 30T are
available, although load transfer between Areas #4 & #5 would be a manual
Northeastern Area:
• The entire area is serviced by three (3) 5T capacity pendant or remote
operated bridge cranes with a 66’ span, 18.5’ to 20’ lift, and travel over the full
length of Area (app. 450’).
Plant Equipment:
– Coil Annealing Furnaces (Nat Gas): There is one (1) gas fired coil annealing
furnace on site –at Plant 1. The furnace has newly installed gas combustion
equipment and controls.
Outside Storage sheds in the North Yard: Area available, needs roof replaced
that blew off during a wind storm.
Former Instrument Repair shop: Instrument shop with a storage area above the
Two (2) steel tanks (35,000 gal capacity water storage tanks in Plant 4) located
to the north of the rail area.